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What Are Disciple -Making Movements

The Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) mindset is all about multiplication. We love the traditional church, but we are losing ground in Japan and need to MULTIPLY faster than typical traditional church growth and discipleship strategies allow. We’re learning that if we follow the disciple-making model Jesus used and taught his original disciples, we can expect miraculous, multiplying "Mark 4:8" fruit!

The Result and the Process: When modern “kingdom movements” began to emerge in the 1990s, the term “Church Planting Movements” (CPMs) was used to describe the visible results. Jesus promised to build his church, and these CPMs show him doing that in marvelous ways. He also assigned his followers a specific role toward that result: to make disciples of all ethnē. Our job is to implement the disciple-making processes by which Jesus builds his church. These processes, done well, can result in Church Planting Movements. 

As CPMs emerged, best practice strategies and tactics to make reproducing disciples began to be identified and passed on. God has shown his creativity by using several sets of disciple-making “tactics” or processes to result in CPMs. These include Training for Trainers (T4T), Disciple Making Movements, Any Three, and Four Fields, among others. A closer examination of these approaches indicates that: 1) the CPM principles or strategies are mostly the same; 2) these approaches all are bearing fruit by reproducing disciples and churches; and 3) all reciprocally influence the other sets of tactics.  Definitions of Key Terms for Strategic Planning and 2414 Efforts

You can find out about DMM and read some amazing stories and testimonies of what God is doing all over the world through the books listed at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, hover over the images below for a step-by-step explanation of our overall strategy for making multiplying disciples among the Japanese.



We look for “people of peace” (PoP). As we proclaim the gospel in word and deed, we watch for those who welcome us and our message (Luke 10:6). These may be people whom God is drawing and preparing to follow Christ (John 6:44).

person of peace
Image by Alex Dukhanov

Even before conversion, DBS participants are encouraged to share what they learn with others. Once they receive Christ, they learn the same process of looking for PoP, focusing on oikos and starting DBS groups. Disciples make other disciples and churches begin multiplying. (Mt 28:18-20)


From the very
beginning,we pray and
watch for God to raise up leaders in the harvest. We invest in them, mentoring and coaching, and they do the same with others. This leads to multiplication of leaders as well. (2 Tim 2:2)


We focus on groups. We try to create occasions to share the word of God with the whole family or with other natural societal groups (oikos), giving them the opportunity to believe and receive Christ together. (Acts 10, 16, 18)


As participants believe, are baptized and begin functioning as the church they are learning about in scripture, they begin to identify as such. Due to the intentional format of DBS, the group already has the church “DNA”. (Act 2:42-47)


We gather groups into Discovery Bible Studies (DBS). We create an environment where seekers can discover God through studying scripture. The discovery process is simple, replicable, obedience-based and Holy Spirit-led. (John 6:45)


Discovery Bible Studies are an excellent way of helping anyone find and fulfill God's purpose for their lives. They are simple and highly reproducable. We are loving the Waha app for leading Discovery Bible Studies as well as training Leaders. The Japanese version is in the works! Please let us know if you want to learn more or help others learn to discover God.    

Japanese DMM Resources ​

DMM Training (Japanese coming soon)

Japanese Worship Music 

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